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Connecting to SSH


  • Download and install MobaXterm.

  • Launch it then click on the Session icon:

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  • Then on then SSH icon:

Capture d’écran 2022-12-12 à 02 08 09

  • Enter the IP address of your Speeder Pad in the Remote Host field, check the Specify username box and enter the username pi in the field then click on OK:

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  • On the new displayed window, enter the password flsun (it's not displayed when typing, this is normal):

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  • An authorization window will appear, authorize it. It's also possible that another window asking you to change the password will appear, ignore it.

  • Once connected, on the left part of the window you have access to the folders and files of your Speeder Pad and on the right part to the SSH command prompt window:

Capture d’écran 2022-12-12 à 02 13 17

Change Password

It's possible to change the password of the pi user:

  • In the SSH command prompt window, enter the following command:
  • You’ll get asked to enter your current password for verification -> flsun.

  • After verification, you can type in your new password and press Enter.

  • Note: You’ll not be able to see any characters on the window while entering the password. So, don’t panic, just type in your password and press Enter.

  • Once you’ve successfully verified your password, it’ll get applied right away.

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