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Delete Flsun Builds

To upgrade to official builds, follow these instructions:

In the SSH command prompt window, enter the following command:

sudo rm /home/pi/.gitconfig

Install Kiauh

Then enter the following command to install Kiauh:

git clone

Run Kiauh

Launch Kiauh by entering this command:


This window should appear:

Capture d’écran 2022-12-12 à 02 16 15

Remove Existing Configs

Enter in 3) [Remove] menu by typing 3 then Enter:

Capture d’écran 2022-12-12 à 02 17 02

  • Remove 7) [MJPG-Streamer] by typing 7 then Enter (you will need to enter the Root password).

  • Remove 5) [KlipperScreen] by typing 5 then Enter.

  • Remove 3) [Mainsail] by typing 3 then Enter.

  • Remove 2) [Moonraker] by typing 2 then Enter.

  • When it's done, remove 1) [Klipper] by typing 1 then Enter.

  • When it's done, go back to main menu by typing B then Enter.

  • Exit Kiauh by typing Q then Enter.

  • Enter the following commands (one at a time):

sudo rm -rf /home/pi/.moonraker_database_1 && rm -rf /home/pi/.moonraker_database_2 && rm -rf /home/pi/.moonraker_database_3
sudo rm -rf /home/pi/klipper_config
sudo rm -rf /home/pi/klipper_logs
sudo rm -rf /home/pi/moonraker-timelapse
sudo rm /home/pi/savedVariables1.cfg && rm /home/pi/savedVariables2.cfg && rm /home/pi/savedVariables3.cfg

To continue on, you must now decide how many printers you will connect to the Speeder Pad, if you only need one printer continue on at Single Instance, if you need multiple, then continue at Multiple Instances