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It's possible to improve Webcams support and in particular the framerate by uninstalling mjpg-streamer and installing Crowsnest daemon (see here for more info).

Installing Crowsnest

Enter the following commands (one at a time):

cd ~
git clone
cd ~/crowsnest
make config

When asked to Continue select Yes by typing Y then Enter.

When asked to specify path for config file (crowsnest.conf):

  • For 1 instance: You can press Enter directly
  • For 3 instances type: /home/pi/printer_1_data/config

When asked to specify path for log file (crowsnest.logs):

  • For 1 instance: You can press Enter directly
  • For 3 instances type: /home/pi/printer_1_data/logs

When asked to specify path for environment file (crowsnest.env):

  • For 1 instance: You can press Enter directly
  • For 3 instances type: /home/pi/printer_1_data/systemd

When asked if Raspicam Fix should be applied select No by typing N then Enter.

When asked to add Crowsnest Update Manager entry to moonraker.conf select No by typing N then Enter.

Then enter this command to install:

sudo make install

When asked to reboot NOW select Yes by typing y then Enter.

Updating Crowsnest

Go to your Mainsail Web interface then click on Machine tab.

Open the moonraker.conf file and add the following lines:

[update_manager crowsnest]
type: git_repo
path: ~/crowsnest
managed_services: crowsnest
install_script: tools/

Once done, click on SAVE & RESTART at the top right to save the file.

You can now click the refresh button (still in the Machine tab) on the Update Manager tile.

You will see a new crowsnest line appear.

You can now configure your webcam (resolution, fps, focus etc...) by clicking on the EDIT CROWSNEST.CONF link in the WEBCAMS tab of Mainsail settings.

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Uninstalling Crowsnest

If needed you can uninstall Crowsnest by entering the following commands (one at a time):

cd ~/crowsnest
make uninstall
sudo rm -rf /home/pi/crowsnest

Add camera support on the Speeder Pad screen

Go to your Mainsail Web interface then click on Machine tab.

Open the KlipperScreen.conf file and and uncomment the line:


Click on SAVE & RESTART at the top right to save the file.

A new Camera icon will appear in the Actions menu.

Install and Update Timelapse

In the SSH command prompt window, enter the following commands (one at a time):

In case you use 1 instance

cd ~/
git clone
ln -sf "/home/pi/moonraker-timelapse/component/" "/home/pi/moonraker/moonraker/components/"
ln -sf "/home/pi/moonraker-timelapse/klipper_macro/timelapse.cfg" "/home/pi/printer_data/config/timelapse.cfg"
sudo apt install ffmpeg
sudo reboot

In case you use 3 instances:

cd ~/
git clone
ln -sf "/home/pi/moonraker-timelapse/component/" "/home/pi/moonraker/moonraker/components/"
ln -sf "/home/pi/moonraker-timelapse/klipper_macro/timelapse.cfg" "/home/pi/printer_1_data/config/timelapse.cfg"
ln -sf "/home/pi/moonraker-timelapse/klipper_macro/timelapse.cfg" "/home/pi/printer_2_data/config/timelapse.cfg"
ln -sf "/home/pi/moonraker-timelapse/klipper_macro/timelapse.cfg" "/home/pi/printer_3_data/config/timelapse.cfg"
sudo apt install ffmpeg
sudo reboot

Go to your Mainsail Web interface then click on Machine tab.

Open the moonraker.conf file and add the following lines:


[update_manager timelapse]
type: git_repo
primary_branch: main
path: ~/moonraker-timelapse
managed_services: klipper moonraker

Once done, click on SAVE & RESTART at the top right to save the file.

You can now click the refresh button (still in the Machine tab) on the Update Manager tile.

You will see a new timelapse line appear.

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You now need to make changes to your Slicer, continue at Slicer Changes.